Handling Your Dog Nail Trims Grooming

Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

As early as possible, you should start to get your puppy/dog use to being handled. He must learn to trust you and others to manipulate varies parts of his body for his own health and safety. You want to be able to touch all parts of him including his paws, ears, mouth, collar and tail.

In this 4 week class, we will teach you how to gradually expose your dog to handling exercises (including nail trims). You will work towards teaching your dog to build an association that handling is a good thing, he will learn to look forward to being handled by you and others.

Prerequisite: Current

Vaccines(DHPP, Rabies & Bordetalla), Pass A Toledo Dog Training Class

Topics Covered: Motivation, Stress & Calming Signals, Body Language, Tools Of The Trade, Muzzle Desensitization If Needed

4 Weeks 1hr Classes $65 (continuing education discount already applied)

Class Day/Time/Dates 2009-Tentative
Mon 7pm (1-5; 1-12; No Class 1-19; 1-26; 2-2)
Thur 6pm (6-25; 7-2; 7-9; 7-16)
Thur 7pm (11-12; 11-19; No Class 11-26; 12-3; 12-10)

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