No two days are the same

Minggu, 05 Juni 2016

Here is an example of what generally occurs in a dogs day.

3am: Alarm goes of. Weatbix, hot chocolate, gear up ready to ride off at 4am. This is when my Ay-Up lights come in very handy.

5am: Part way around the 75kms of Tour de Redcliffe loop.

6:30am: Visit favourite bakery for post ride carbs.

8:00am: Start work

4:00pm: Finish work, pick up one of my boys from Volley ball training, go home, cook dinner, surf internet, catch up with the "So, what happened at school today?" conversation with my boys.

A few domestic duties, share more time with Natalie.

7:30pm: Nearly ready for bed.

8:30pm: Zzzzzz....

When I write it down like that, the day appears so short & simple. Maybe it is, but some days feel long & complicated. Others are as simple as they read.

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