Living the dream

Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

This is a statement/comment often made. What is YOUR idea of living the dream?
I am coming around to the possibility that I am living it. I dont have much $, I dont own a house, things go wrong, I crash my bike, I get really tired...everybody knows what I am saying there.

But get this, I have two beautiful sons, a couple of sweet bikes to ride, time to get out & ride them, a great job, a very decent person to work for, an awesome girl friend...the list can go

Cycling is one of those special hobbies. I continually meet many really good people (& obviously the occasional tosser)

Last weekend saw a 3 1/2 hour drive north of Brisbane. Best I take my roadie with me. After some internet networking during the week I found a Sunday morning peloton to ride with.

Sunday morning: I had a road bike & tight lycra so I was accepted by the alpha rider into the group ;o) Thanks to the guys in Hervey Bay for the guided tour. One question though, Is there always a smashing headwind up there? If so I am keen to visit again soon.

Everyday is awesome, some are just more awesome than others.

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