Drop It Exercise 1
Level 1
- Grab one of your dogs toys, such as a tug rope.
- Tell your dog to "Get It" as you wiggle it around so that your dog grabs onto the toy.
- As your dog has the toy in his mouth, put a high-ranking treat up to his nose. As soon as your dog drops the toy, say "YES!" and immediately give him the treat.
- Repeat this game about 5 times, ensuring a good game before the drop (if he still has the desire for the game)
- Set up your game the same way as before. This time say your Drop It cue (Drop, Give, Release etc.) right before placing the treat to his nose. Only say the word one time.
- As soon as your dog drops the toy say "YES!" and give him his treat.
- Repeat 5 times
Level 3
- Set up like level 2, this time say, your Drop It cue without showing your dog the treat. Wait for your dog to drop the toy, as soon as he does say "YES!" and treat.
- Repeat the game 5 times
- If your dog is not being successful, either increase the reward or decrease the value of the toy.
- Every dog has his own motivation level for play. When practicing your drop cue, make sure you are ending before he wants to end, even if you don’t get your 5 repetitions in. You want to end the game with him wanting more, not him totally bored with the activity.
Drop It Exercise
Level 1
- Have two identical toys, such as tennis balls. You want the toys to be the same so that your dog does not find one toy more valuable than the other.
- Toss the toy about 5’ away in a hallway or with your dog on a long leash (20).
- When your dog comes running back with the toy, wiggle the other toy in front of him.
- Wait for it. As soon as he drops the first toy, toss the second toy from your hand.
- Repeat 5 times
- Set up like before. This time when your dog comes running back with toy say your Drop It cue and wait for your dog to drop the toy. As soon as he drops the toy toss the other toy from your hand.
- Repeat 5 times
Do you need extra dog training help? I offer in-person, phone consultations, weekend dog retreats and public seminars. Contact me today for details.
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